镇江新区奇飞电子有限公司坐落于美丽的经济文化名城镇江高新技术开发区内,公司东距上海国际机场230公里,常州机场20公里,沪宁高速15公里,西距南京禄口国际机场70公里,距镇江港15公里,环境优美,交通便利,地理位置优越,地处长江三角洲经济圈中心地带。 本公司是集研制、开发、生产、销售于一体的有线、卫星、微波电视器材的专业厂商,公司的主要产品有:MMDS微波天线,C/Ku波段卫星高频头,卫星切换开关,卫星信号分配器,MMDS电源适配器等,公司产品远销东南亚、中东、欧洲、非洲及南北美地区,并以优异的产品质量、合理的产品价格和优质的售后服务赢得国内外客户的信赖和好评。 公司宗旨:把最好的产品奉献给您!Zhenjiang Electrical co.,Ltd .is located in Jiangsu province of China,Which is next to Shanghai .It is very convenient for us to transfer goods from factory to either Shanghai or Ningbo port .There is 70km distance away from Lukou Airport of Nanjing and only half an hour to Changzhou Airpotr from our company by car. We are a professional manufacturer in the field of TV reception system .our products include MMDS, C/Ku band LNB ,DisEqc Switch,Splitters ,MMDS Adaptor ,etc . |